Saturday, May 9, 2009

Thank you poem to Mother Earth

So, did anyone else feel the earthquake????? Ummm, did you see the full moon? Did you hear about the FIRES???? I feel so alive! On the day Santa Barbara started burning, I did also. Just below the surface, I was actually in flames. Every moment that day was a fiery step into a deep, deep hole. On my way down I felt the earth give a mighty quake. And then that night was a flood, from the moon, I suppose. That dampened my journey. There were plumes of steam rising from the wet ashes at my feet. Finally I rested. Sleep nourishing me. I awoke with some smoke still lingering, knowing I had nothing, and continued on my way feeling renewed.
So alive.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chatter Box

This saturday's class was really nice.  We started in yin butterfly after a brief settling meditation.  followed by yin pidgeon, and a dog, up dog, cat transition to the other side, transition again starting a standing lunge series, warrior 2, peaceful warrior, twisting lunge, warrior 1 with and without cactus arms.  Then we ventured into the Warrior Advance and Retreat series!  This was really fun, it got everybody moving and flowing, gathering and pressing chi, growing.  Advance!  Retreat!  It's a great one because it's simple and if you do it about 4 times, it's pretty easy to remember. (Come to class sometime and you too can learn warrior series!  ;)  ) We slowed it down at the end with a little twisted roots, and then a final resting pose.  
Teaching makes me incredibly happy.  It has been such a good opportunity to be receptive, and so wonderful to meet new people in the Meiner's Oaks community.  I am grateful for the space, I've bought some plants to make it more home-y.   (Though we almost lost one... but I transplanted it into a terra cotta pot which should be a nice new home.... Next I'll transplant the begonias!)  I am making it my mission to go to a class for myself because it's been too long since I've been told what to do.  I am so inspired in life, but yoga for me is a part of my healthcare plan.  I think yoga is excellent for cessation of MENTAL CHATTER!  -Which is my biggest health problem.  haha  I've talked with pals about the feeling of being centered as sitting easy on a really big soft chair.  When you are centered, decisions are made with an undertone of ease and flow.  Couldn't we all use a touch more flow?  yea!  So I encourage you AND myself to get to a class so we can all flow 2gether!  xo Megan

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

yo!  I just want to say that I feel very blessed in the very beginning of this yogic adventure.  February has been my favorite month in a long time, and teaching at the Dojo is a big huge part of that.  I had heard that the best way to learn how to teach is to start teaching.  I see now that those words are very true.  It's like trying to learn how to ride a bicycle by reading a few books.... it's just not the same.  Beginning in March there will be another class each week as well, on Thursday evenings at 7-8 pm.  This class will be yin yoga, or a slow passive stretch class to unwind hips and legs gently.  3 different styles every week (taoist flow, yin & yang yoga, & yin yoga)  So remember March 5th 7-8 pm.  you can come for free if you read this blog!  

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Tantric Weekend

The Chakra Meditation and yin yoga workshop has come and gone.  It's bittersweet because I so love learning the teachings in person rather than in a book, but it is time to venture out into the world and explore more deeply for myself.  I feel reaffirmed in a lot of ways about the path of yoga that has shown up in my life.  Refreshed and revitalized.  Actually my head feels completely differnt than even yesterday, thanks to the grounding effects of Filling the Dan Tian/Hara and other such meditations.  Diving down into the lower chakras can be difficult for emotional(ly blocked) people, like myself, because unconscious past and present experiences, fears, anger, sexuality, etc etc hang out there patiently waiting with our karma to keep us rooted on the earth.  And it's not uncommon (although not necessarily desirable) for strong physical, emotional reactions or even astral visions to occur.  For example one may feel a sensation of burning in the sacrum, one may feel overwhelmed with an emotion of grief, guilt, resentment, and it's so so real because that is what the lower chakras govern and harbor.  Getting OUT of our heads means diving down into those "unknown" or unconscious depths that we can never rationalize, or figure out, which is scary because..... why?  Because we try try try to be good and smart and consistent and never have any time for imagination or intuition.  And it's so scary to "not know" what to do when we do uncover those intense sensations.  These are messages from our own self, calling from the unknown or unremembered within us, and I believe the answers will be provided from our own self if we cultivate a little patience and compassion.  The magic of a spiritual life will be revealed through diligent practice as the yogis have taught throughout the ages.  Thank you everyone who reads this, and thank you to my teachers, and thank you little voice inside me who comforts me and guides me when I need help. 

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Yahoo!  This is a very fun time in my life, what with making fliers, shameless self promotion, partaking in an Aikido class at the Dojo, experiencing new kinds of body work, and roller skating!  Wow.  I think it's time to let all this vital energy seep out of my muscles down into my bones where it can be stored, and recycled.  I guess the beauty of "Sundays" is the opportunity to bask in all of our many efforts throughout the week, and do nothing about it.  We owe it to ourselves to have ONE day, right? 
I'm going to a workshop with Paul Grilley at yogahouse in Pasadena on February 7-8th for chakra meditation, and yin yoga.  This couldn't be happening at a better time.  I will be reuniting with a few friends from teacher training and I'm predicting tears.  (the happy kind) I have been looking forward to this since July.  It almost feels like homecoming.  OMcoming really.  Tapping back into the deepest depths of the heart, and beyond, god willing, so I can share this all with my classes that are beginning FEBRUARY 10th!!!  Tuesday morning at 10 AM for an hour I will be teaching a taoist flow class, so you can fly through your day.  ($10)
UPDATE!  In February there will be two running yoga classes at the dojo on Tuesday and Saturday mornings at 10:30-11:30AM.  Thursday night yin yoga classes will begin MARCH 5th! This is because there is a WOMEN'S AIKIDO class from 7-8PM on Thursdays in the month of February which I highly recommend.  It is just as much a breathing, stretching, opening practice as any yoga I've ever done with a bit of a kick.  The suggested donation would be $50 for all 4 classes.  All females are welcome.  
Again, thank you for your support and love I am SO excited to bring yoga to Mo Town (Meiner's Oaks :)  

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Plunge

Hey everyone!  I'm planning to begin classes at the Dojo in Meiner's Oaks three days a week for 1 hour classes!  There will be a big grand opening style thing where I will have a free class in the beginning of February.  Please come join me in a few weeks!  I'll post more as more unfolds!!!  THANKS for your support!