Tuesday, June 24, 2008

fast twitch muscles need attention just like the rest of us

Well my yoga practice is on the slow train as of last night (monday) when running to first base I strained my right quads (namely the Sartorius, Vastus Lateralus, and Rectus Femoris muscles) yummy.  Probably an easy injury to experience after spending so much time opening with the help of yin (and definately yang) yoga.  I remembered that the same injury happened over ten years ago and BAM there it is again, just to say hello.  I was so bummed because I so look forward to my Monday night softball games, and it was cut short in the second inning when I took a funny step running to first base.  Once I sat down, surrendered to the idea that I should rest my leg, I finally got a chance to hear all that was buzzing around in my head.  HA HA HA  Talk about agenda.  I was reminded of my teachers words to "show up with less to do" It seems sometimes so effortful to allow myself to do less.  Backwards, I know.  Slowing down and finding myself able to look deeper and deeper inward, I also see where I've trained myself not to look (like not being mindful at a softball game).  Which reminds me where I am at as a student, which sort of makes me feel liberated...? 
I am so grateful for opportunities to speak what's on my heart, listen with my heart, and be honest.  But I also find in the after effects so much resistance to own it, and move on.   
Help me, somebody remind me that it's worth the practice and effort to be honest with where I am at.  I know the journey is inward, but is there a tour guide?  
I read some of Patanjali's yoga sutras today, and there was in particular one that resonated with me.  It was about cultivating a practice of yoga, one that catches your interest (otherwise the mind continues to wander)  and sticking to it.  Sticking to a certain method that you like helps train your mind to focus on the practice, the discipline.  If you sit in a certain pool of practice, you can start to understand the language more thoroughly as you replace old thought patterns that once drew you away from the practice. I find that when I have too many options (whether it's clothes, food, or mantras) I get distracted and give up/in more easily.  I'd like to try sticking to a yin yoga practice for now, and see where it takes me. 
om shanti   

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