Day 2
Wait, it’s day 3 already. (Day 1 we didn’t do any yoga really, just intro stuff) Today I woke up feeling empowered after I dreamt that I easily kicked up into peacock pose. Like, yea man, what’s the big deal about peacock pose? I do this in my sleep. * Only in my sleep as it turns out. Our lessons in the morning consisted of some more discussion as to whether or not flexing the pelvis was anteriorly rotating it or posteriorly rotating it. Totally beyond me, yet I was still with it. I feel like since I know nothing about teaching, and know little about yoga, my mind is still very open to this new kind of knowledge. In terms of massage therapy, however, I’ve gone over this many times before. Now is an opportunity to really drive it home and personally understand what is meant when tipping the bowl of the pelvis forward or backwards. (The most powerful adjustment in any pose, really). Today Suzee started our yoga practice off with a bit of yang, starting in elephant pose (legs wide, fold forward) twisting and rotating from one foot to the other back and forth, followed by 4 Taoist breath exercises (inhale arms up “gather chi” exhale to horse and press the arms out to the side, inhale the arms from the ground palms toward the body, fingers toward the earth drawing energy all the way up, exhale pressing hands down to the earth.) We transitioned somehow into a yin practice which involved poses I cannot now remember! We ended the sequence with an 8 minute halasana pose, which I could not even think of doing. Me and halasana are friends and all, but it takes me a very long time to recover from that pose not matter how long I spend in it. Like I was in it for maybe a minute, and spend five coming out of it. I asked some other yogi ladies why it might happen, and they let me know it could be total compression of my diaphragm, not necessarily my discs in my spine. I’ll have to investigate that further because I always felt it was my spine. I’m open to looking closer at it. Paul did a yin practice with us in the afternoon session, which left me feeling so whole. Like my body was a temple. That’s the best way I can describe it. My digestion has been problematic for me lately, and I’m coming to realize just how stressed out I’ve been, in anticipation of so many things. I’m beginning to unwind all that now, so when I feel my belly cramp up I am remembering to relax and take the pressure off myself. I am where I’ve wanted to be for so long, I might as well just plop right down and absorb it all, no pressure.
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